Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Special Topics Presentation

For the Special Topics assignment each group was assigned a specific article reflecting the nature of the topic. My groups topic was Middle School education. In a creative format we had to present our topic using text and relevant visuals at our computer station area, as people walk around to see our work.  We had to include the topic or genre name, a thematic design that clearly reflects the nature of the visuals/visual genre described in our article, and key words in a font and style that reflect the nature, purpose, impact and significance of the genre. We also had to incorporate 10 high-quality visuals that exemplify the genre or topic, and state briefly why they do in a caption near each visual. Our article was all about YouTube and how it is being integrated into the classroom. So my partner and I chose 10 images that reflected technology-based learning and captioned each image to relate it back to the article. Some examples from our poster were graphs, charts, and different pictures involving framing techniques that the students learned from watching YouTube. We also incorporated a video on educational technology in the classroom which related to our topic perfectly. To make our poster more visually appealing we created it to look like they were on the computer on the YouTube website. We also added different colors and borders to make our visuals pop.

In terms of Krause questions on connotation, attribution, and placement I definitely think there could have been things to improve upon. I do think that our components tie in with our theme of YouTube and technology based learning. However I think we could have improved some of the attributes such as font and backdrops to make it more crisp looking. I think our alignment was overall good and followed the theme but could have reflected a realistic computer screen more.

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