Wednesday, April 25, 2012

HARTS visuals

For this assignment we were to develop instructional signage for HARTS (Harrisonburg and Rockingham Thermal Shelter) locations to inform, explain, guide, teach, and generate awareness among the participants, volunteers, and donors. Each groups signage was designed for a specific location. My groups location was the Faith Community located on S Main Street. For the Faith Community we were supposed to create signage for Emergency Exits, Restricted Areas, Trash Location, No Smoking signs, No Weapons, Alcohol, or Drugs signs, Location of the Breaker Box, and a sign locating where to pick up Linens and Toiletries. In order to create all of these images we decided that each sign had to have the same repeating font to make sure that they all would look like they were connected, even though they were all conveying different messages. The Font that we used for each sign was Arial Black, and we also made sure to have all the words capitalized. For signs that were mainly words and similar colors, such as the Restricted Area signs, Emergency Exit, and No Weapons, Alcohol, or Drugs sign we used the eye dropper tool in Photoshop to make sure they all were filled with the same color red. We also tried to add a visual to the mainly words signs to convey the meaning of the message more effectively. We also added to the bottom of each sign the Faith Community logo as well as the Harts logo. In order to stick with the theme of each sign we altered the colors of the logos to reflect the same color scheme of the message. As for the images on the Breaker Box sign, Trash Collection, and Linens we used the magnetic lasso tool on Photoshop to crop out the image from the background and free transformed it to fit the scale of the sign. Below is the final product of all the signs we were able to create for the Faith Community!

Faith Community
Breaker Box Sign

Faith Community
Restricted Area Sign

Faith Community
No Smoking Inside Sign

Faith Community
Trash Collection Outside Sign

Faith Community
No Weapons, Alcohol, and Drugs Sign
Faith Community
Emergency Exit Sign

Faith Community
Pick Up Linens and Toiletries Here Sign

In regards to Kraus questions on Clarity, Audience, and Purpose I believe the my group and I were able to effectively convey and answer all three categories. In terms of Clarity there is definitely an overall stylistic and thematic message included in each piece reflected in the font that we chose as well as adding the Faith Community logo and the Harts logo. I believe we were able to convey the overall message of each sign very simplistically without any misinterpretation of the message. I don't think that one poster is fighting for more attention than the other because we tried to use different colors on each sign. In terms of Audience, I believe our target audience would be the participants, volunteers, and donors of the Faith Community. I believe the lingo and visuals that we used are very tasteful and appropriate for the target audience. I don't think that it talks down to the audience and it fulfills the wants, needs, and desires of the audience conveyed through images and words. In terms of Purpose, I believe these images reflect exactly what they are supposed to do which is to be informative. All of these signs are used to inform the participants where to go or put certain things. There is no ambiguity within each sign and overall I believe they effectively reflect what the Faith Community asked of us.

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