Tuesday, April 10, 2012


For this assignment we were to create a sign for our individual HARTS project and alter it to reflect a different color echo. My groups HARTS assignment is to create signs for the Faith Community, and involved in that is to create a sign designating smoking is outside. So at first I just added some words and then input a no smoking icon in the center of the poster. For the first image I chose to use a primary color palette including red, blue, and yellow. I chose a lighter hue of blue for the words and part of the cigarette and then red for the bottom words and the remainder of the cigarette. I then added the final touch of yellow in the center of the icon, leaving the background just plain white. To alter the colors I used the basic color swatches on the side panel of photoshop and then used the paint-bucket tool to fill in the same colors throughout the poster. For the second image I had the same game-plan with a different color palette. For the second image I changed to colors to be complementary. So once again, I used a very light hue of blue for the words and part of the cigarette, and then the complement is orange so I used to same hue of orange to match the blue. Then I made the icon yellow and the complement of yellow is purple so I made the background purple.

Regarding Krause questions about connotation, attributes, and placement I believe I was able to adhere to his principles. All the colors are working together in each image to reflect the primary color theme and the complementary color theme. Everything is thickened enough, including the words, to reflect the urgency and importance of the message and the backdrop is simple white so it doesn't distract from the message. Everything is placed to be aligned in the center so it is easily read and understood.

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