Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Infographic and Conceptual Framework

For this challenge we were to apply what you have learned about designing visuals for learning, and about creating icons, connection, alignment and priority, to design a solution for students. We were to create visual icons to represent the competencies in the COE conceptual framework and chose to represent our final format to be like a poster. Within each of our icons we chose to stick to a JMU color scheme of purple and yellow. We picked up the same colors by using the eyedropper tool in photoshop. We also left some other colors within each image to give it subtle differences. We placed each image into a circular shape and title surrounding it on Microsoft PowerPoint and then copied and pasted it to work with the final image on Photoshop. To describe each icon to the COE students we took out certain sentences from each competencies and then italicize the keywords that we thought were most important. There were originally 11 competencies but we condensed some that we thought were similar in definition. We chose to align the images to the center and have the definitions centered to the icon. We then added a paper looking background to give it a schoolwork effect. Overall, after creating this poster I can definitely say that I have improved immensely on my Photoshop skills.

In response to Krause questions on connotation, attributes, and placement I believe we have been able to incorporate all of the elements. In terms of connotation the visual style of this component does tie in with the theme it is conveying. I don't think we need to alter the colors to make it reflect the theme more, I believe we did a good job at choosing a color scheme to reflect the JMU theme. In terms of attributes I believe that we chose the right font size as well as style for the viewer. It is simple and easy to read and we have enough variety of fonts to make it appealing and not boring. In terms of placement I don't think we could have placed it any better. Originally we had all the icons on the side and captions in the middle but we noticed that made it very wordy and unattractive so we re-placed it to have the icons placed aligned with each other and centered.

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