Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Representation of Self" Banner

For this assignment we were to create a banner of any size through Photoshop to represent ourselves following the concept of the "golden rule." I added the beach across the top because I have grown up going to the beach every summer and it is something that I love to do. I also incorporated JMU because that is currently where I am studying. I inserted a picture of Wilson hall and sent it to the back and made it transparent. Then I added a picture of myself using the magnetic lasso tool and also made myself a little transparent. I then tilted the JMU flag to try and maximize my use of space and made sure to emphasize the colors of purple and yellow. Then I added a quote that I love to tie it all together. This was a challenging assignment as I am still learning on how to use Photoshop but I think I was able to come up with an interesting banner.

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