Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Representation of Self" Banner

For this assignment we were to create a banner of any size through Photoshop to represent ourselves following the concept of the "golden rule." I added the beach across the top because I have grown up going to the beach every summer and it is something that I love to do. I also incorporated JMU because that is currently where I am studying. I inserted a picture of Wilson hall and sent it to the back and made it transparent. Then I added a picture of myself using the magnetic lasso tool and also made myself a little transparent. I then tilted the JMU flag to try and maximize my use of space and made sure to emphasize the colors of purple and yellow. Then I added a quote that I love to tie it all together. This was a challenging assignment as I am still learning on how to use Photoshop but I think I was able to come up with an interesting banner.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Principles of Visual Design

For this assignment we were to work with each slide containing the before components and alter them to include the visual attributes of Proximity, Alignment, Repetition, and Contrast.

Picture 1:

Proximity- I grouped together the contact information as well as the directions so that people can have the more important details in one area.

Alignment- I aligned the hard edge line to border the main poster title so that it is the first thing that your eye looks to.

Repetition- I gave the main title and catch phrase the same font and then grouped the contact information and directions with a different font.

Contrast- I made the main title much larger than all the other information to catch your eye. I also increased the size of the image to give you something else to look at.



Picture 2:

Proximity- I grouped together similar shapes to create a better understanding of the image.

Alignment-   I aligned the shapes within one another.

Repetition- I grouped the similar shapes together and then in increments consistently decreased the size of the shapes within one another for repetition.

Contrast- To contrast the different shapes and filled each one with a different color and added some drop shadow effects to make them stand out. 



Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Data Visualization

For this assignment we had to create a data visualization including the strategies and data collection within a sequenced timeline. So I chose to use a chart on PowerPoint and add in the specific details from the timeline along with pictures that represents the words. Using clip art I was able to find some pictures that correlate with the data. I then tried to group certain things together by color. So the dates of things due in May I made purple and the things dues in June I made red. I also made the Pre-test and Post-test bubbles blue to correlate that they went together.