Monday, February 27, 2012


For this assignment we had to teach a lesson through visual aids using harmony and visual echo. I chose to teach a lesson of history, in particular teaching freedom. I chose to teach the meaning of freedom through the representation of when the United States became a free nation. I represented harmony through repetition by repeating certain shapes, such as the circles in the outline of England and the lines leading from England to the US. I also demonstrated visual echo by using the same color scheme. In Photoshop I used the eyedropper tool to pick up the color of the American flag and repeated those colors in both the circle and lines. I also tried to add emphasis by creating a glow to the outline of England as well as shadows to the circles and date.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


For this assignment we were to create a flyer using the same alignment strategies in our class textbook. I chose to create a flyer advertising glasses and I used Photoshop to lasso out the glasses and then within PowerPoint I chose a particular color scheme and added it within the shades of the glasses. I chose to align the glasses along the side, as well as aligning the text in the center right. I inserted fake text and changed the font and color to represent the same color scheme as seen within the glasses. 



For this assignment we had to try and create emphasis in a meaningful way using color and value. I decided that I wanted to use a repeated image and choose one part to alter to make it stand out. I chose a light bulb because I knew I can add some interesting effects. Within PowerPoint I used a glow effect and made the light bulb more luminous. I also tried to pick up on the gold hue on the bottom of the light bulb to separate it from the other silver light bulbs. I chose to make the glow a yellow tint because I think that is the most recognizable color of a light bulb.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Grouping Challenge

For this assignment I had to choose one word to describe myself and then create a poster using 10 components, visuals and texts, to convey my one word. I tried to use repetition by using the same font and placing the words in a position so that they were in a circle and legible. I made the flower the largest aspect of the photo to represent the main focus. Then I sized the words so that they would fit along the petals. I then added the smiley face to try and incorporate my word. Can you guess what it is?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Grouping Assignment

Today's assignment involved grouping similar shapes to evoke a feeling or emotion. Each picture represents a word and has corresponding shapes to try and evoke the feeling of that word. With each picture I positioned the shapes in specific ways to try and correlate the feelings with the word. I also changed the colors and sizes of the same shape to add to the representation. I also tried to change the font to depict the certain emotion as well as add shadows and glows to create emphasis. Below are the images and my interpretation of the specific theme.